As an example, if you are working behind the counter of a bricks and mortar shop on an hourly wage then that presents a grey area but would be unlikely to be seen as a conflict of interest. If, however, that shop is owned by a close family member it would be something we would have to look at differently There is also the question of a pharmacy owner who sells NRT or NCP products. Conflict of Interest certainly can extend past the sale or profit of ecigs.

Most potential or perceived conflicts are going to fall into the 'grey area'. As such, the most sensible way for us to deal with each application would be on a case by case basis. 

If a case arises whereby a decision cannot be arrived at between the committee members, then we shall come to all registered members and ask for input.

I hope, for the moment, this answers your question and goes some way to explaining why we have not devised a comprehensive list thus avoiding a 'one size fits all' situation. 

It should be made clear that at no point will registered membership or donation give anyone any more control or power over any single decision made by ECCA on any matter.